Unexpected Challenges?
Free or Low Cost Remote Technical Assistance Available
COVID-19 has forced an unprecedented change in our society and daily lives. Millions of people have suddenly switched to working from home or only having a few "essential" workers. Unfortunately, in many cases, their technology is not keeping up with their needs.
We are an IT Support and Business Services company located in central North Carolina. We have seen businesses struggle to adjust to the spread of COVID-19 and the changing regulations, including the NC-wide Stay-At-Home order. We want to help you, your friends, and your community with business technology headaches related to the COVID-19 changes.
We know that many businesses and their workers are struggling to pay the bills and keep the revenue coming in. Many workers are trying to work from home on old computers or with unfamiliar software. They might not have anti-virus or know who to contact when they run into issues. Register here and we will see if we can help.
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Copyright 2020 Utopia's Edge Consulting
IT Support, Computer Repair, and Business Services